Speak Out March12

Wednesday, 7:53 p.m.
I don't agree with either of the letters written to the editor, Jerry Couey and Doris Kingry.  Doris either would say, "Why not have an election?"  I really don't know, b…

Speak Out March 8

Monday, 4:31 p.m.
Hello this is Ron.  Anyone that may be interested in starting or already has a concession type business and would like to make lots of money, contact the Florida Forestry Service…

Speak Out March 5

Friday, 11:23 a.m.
Friday night February 20, 2014, my husband and I were home with our dog Snoopy.  About 8:30 Snoopy started barking and kept running around and going to the front door and b…

Speak Out March 1

Speak Out
Editor’s comment:
Recently a derogatory Speak Out comment was published regarding a local business by an anonymous individual concerning business practices.  It is a small busine…

Speak Out Feb 19

Monday 12:42 p.m.
This is Bill.  I agree with Marion Cumbie’s letter to the editor that Santa Rosa County doesn’t need to build another courthouse.  I don’t understand why the county commissi…

Speak out Feb. 5

Speak out for February 5
Monday 8:06 a.m.
Hi this is Steven.  Baraq Obama says he has a pen and a phone.  Now he has the proper tools to achieve.  He can use the phone to call Governo…