Speak Out May 20

Thursday 12:42 p.m.

Hey, this is Dennis Dean. Whenever you get the time get on Google or YouTube and check out Switzerland. Look at their gun culture, crime rate and how their government is set up a…

Broody hens and baby chicks

We have our first broody hen for the season at our house. It is this particular hen’s first time to become a mother. Her name is Baby. She’s a year old this spring and I’m always excited about new ch…

Speak Out May 16

Speak Out
Monday 12:53 p.m.
Hi this is Fred. I read your article in Saturday’s paper about the courthouse but you left out one important thing we the people would like to know. How much mo…

Speak Out May 13

Thursday 8:48 a.m.
Message for those would be social scientists who keep sending out letters with their surveys and wanting donations with responses, my message to you is to finance your own …