Speak Out: Press Gazette readers' calls

Here are featured comments from our Speak Out hotline. COURTHOUSE TRAFFIC  This is Joe. Even though they have four-laned Avalon Boulevard to the interstate, traffic during the day is still extremely busy and hard to navigate. I'm wondering if the Santa Rosa County Commissioners ever did a study to see, if they built the courthouse… Continue reading Speak Out: Press Gazette readers' calls

LETTER: I miss Speak Out

Dear Editor,
I miss Speak Out. It was an important part of a community paper – our community news paper – one where locals could rant or praise. We could keep up on potholes and what elected offici…

Christian end times continue

Dear editor,
The physical signs of a tribulation continue into 2018.  In two months we’ve had one of the worst flu epidemics in our history, with nearly 120 children dying so far as it begins to wa…