God executed this miracle

Dear editor,
Tears of joy and gratitude consumed me on hearing all were rescued in the Thailand cave tragedy. I’m looking forward to 20/20’s documentary.
I’m sure many the world-over began prayin…

No religious test

Dear editor, 
The leftist, socialist Democrats have falsely claimed that "no religious test" can be applied for the purpose of immigration decisions even if those entering our nation believe in Isl…

Today's media is propaganda

Dear editor,
I completely agree with Mr. King and his views regarding the state of main stream media these days. The main stream media is guilty of lies by omission, either by not reporting on the …

Milton concerned citizens

Dear editor,

To give you a little background, I am the chairwoman of Milton Concerned Citizens, a fourth generation Miltonian, and a 1975 graduate of Milton High. I live in, and operate a business…

Ignorance is not bliss

Dear editor, 
When dishonesty is introduced into any aspect of life being a job, a friendship, a marriage, or a family it can cause irreparable harm. Is not the initial conversation itself that con…

Some common ground

Dear editor, 
Hey, Jim Moore, I believe we have found some common ground regarding a person's need for inner faith with God.
Now for the crossover into the realm of reality of which we both trave…