Faith Briefs November 19

Bagdad United Methodist Church
This Sunday, our services explore the theme, “ A Thankful Life.”  This Sunday, perhaps we will learn together better ways whereby to live thankful lives. Please i…

Faith Briefs November 6

Bagdad United Methodist Church
This Sunday, our Holy Communion Service, especially honors our Veterans with a special presentation and a collection for Vets to VA Clinics, transportation servic…

A loving thank you

The Family of Millard F. Adams, Jr. wishes to convey our gratitude for the many expressions of love and sympathy as we said goodbye to Millard.  To  the EMTs who responded to the 911 call, to Santa R…

Faith Briefs October 30

Bagdad United Methodist Church
This Sunday, November 1 at our 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. services, we are privileged to have our new Pensacola District Superintendent Dr. Tim Trent make his first visit…