Undersized stiped bass among FWC violations

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, a government agency, enforces laws related to the state's fish and wildlife resources. [File photo]

MILTON — The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission filed these cases between March 31 and April 6 in Santa Rosa County:


While conducting resource inspections at Archie Glover Boat Ramp, Officer Land noticed two individuals with cast nets on the dock. He approached the two men and asked if they had caught anything.

One of them replied, “Just finger mullet,” as he pointed to a 5‑gallon bucket.

Land looked in the bucket filled with mullet and, upon closer inspection, discovered a 13‑inch striped bass. It is illegal to possess striped bass under 18 inches and to harvest them with a cast net.

The subjects received citations and warnings for the violations.


Throughout the weekend in Blackwater River State Forest, Officer Lewis issued various citations and warnings for operating a vehicle off the established road in a state forest, possession of alcoholic beverages where posted as prohibited, and possession of glass containers in and around waterways.

At Krul Lake, he saw a man in possession of a glass bottle of beer. Glass containers and alcoholic beverages are prohibited in that area. A woman was sitting next to the man and smoking cannabis.

When he approached the couple, the woman attempted to conceal the cannabis cigarette she was smoking but eventually gave it to the officer. Additional cannabis was seized as evidence from the woman.

The man received a citation for possessing the glass container and alcoholic beverage.

The woman received a notice to appear for possession of cannabis not more than 20 grams and drug paraphernalia.


Officer Hutchinson was patrolling a primitive camping area when he saw a man and a woman walking toward a vehicle from the creek. He saw the man carrying a drug pipe and cannabis grinder.

The man admitted that he and his girlfriend just finished smoking marijuana with the pipe. When the officer attempted to identify the man and woman, the woman provided a false name.

After searching the vehicle and identifying the woman by her identification found during the search, two active warrants for her arrest came back.

Officer Hutchinson issued the man a notice to appear for the possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia. The woman was placed under arrest and transported to jail.


Officer Jones was checking anglers on the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier and contacted a subject who had eight pompano. The daily bag limit is six fish per day.

The person received a citation with a mandatory court appearance. The illegal fish were returned to the water.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Undersized stiped bass among FWC violations