Teamwork got the job done


Dear editor: 

Many thanks to all volunteers who participated in the May 2017 Day of Service Clean-Up Day at the Milton Keyser Cemetery on May 6.

We were elated to have some of our elected officials participating. Mayor Meiss, City Council members Mary Johnson and Jeff Snow, Police Chief Tony Tindell and some of his police officers, Kyle Holley of the United Way and Murray Hamilton and his volunteer group did a fantastic job.

There were other individual citizens of the city and county on hand as well.

The weather was perfect and the camaraderie was gratifying. We had time to share data and history of the cemetery with most of the group. Teamwork got the job done in no time.

The Milton Keyser Cemetery Board is grateful for a job well done by all. 

Thank you, 


Milton Keyser Cemetery Board Chair

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Teamwork got the job done