A Christian blessing for graduates


Dear editor,

Families, friends, et al. are wishing graduates well. Churches are giving them Bibles, the greatest book ever written, never to be superseded, the ultimate gift. Praise God!

Compelled by God to share with some grads whom I didn’t know and some known only slightly, were William Krutza’s “Graduates Guide to Success”, Richard Exley’s “Straight from the Heart for Graduates”, Sarah Young’s “Jesus Calling Graduates”, Oswald Chamber’s “My Utmost For His Highest”’, and Joyce Meyer’s “Discover the Joy of Being the Person God Made You to Be”.

My admonition to them: “Only God and you really know if Jesus Christ is number one (your Lord and Savior, Romans 10:9-10; John 3:7). He alone deserves the pre-eminence in our lives for He shed His own blood for us all!

Don’t ever forget you are special and precious to Jesus. He loves each one of us more than anyone else ever could.

Some advice: Don’t ever be ashamed of Jesus or His words. If we are, He’ll be ashamed of us before His Father in Heaven. The world desperately needs Jesus. Christians need to be powerhouses for God.

God bless us all as only He can. May He use you for His glory from now until Jesus comes again. Maranatha!

The tragedy in Manchester, England, confirms His compelling my comments.



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: A Christian blessing for graduates