In Trump era, angels and demons on display


Dear editor,

I’m sick and tired of the media, liberals, vulgar comedians (and) the left’s so-called pundits saying President Trump doesn’t know anything about this or that, including (Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader) Ginsburg’s hostility toward Trump becoming president before he announced his candidacy. It’s time for her to move to New Zealand. Her husband said they would, were Trump elected!

Good riddance to her and all trying to destroy him.

Listen up, you “bad guys”! The only thing that you and your president need to know is that God is sovereign, in control — that God put him in office. He needs only to ask God for wisdom. Who gives it liberally to all who ask.

When God quickly eliminated the many candidates, it was confirmation to me that Donald J. Trump was blessed and highly favored. I believe he’s daily becoming more cognizant of that! Praise God; he’s mentioning God frequently, becoming more dependent on Him — not done by our former president.

By the way, Mark Taylor, a former firefighter (God bless them all), prophesied before Trump even declared candidacy that he would be president. I believe God is using Taylor to awaken Americans, including some doubting “Christians.” His book, “Trump Prophecies,” debuts on July 4 with two other exciting ones!

Some “Christians” are like Pharisees — unable to discern it is Heaven’s agenda, not President Trump’s, unfolding! Shame on smart-aleck Americans and student walkouts showing lack of respect for our president! Foreigners respect him more than they (do)! They need to be taught manners!

Editor-in-Chief of Charisma Magazine, Jennifer LeClaire, authored “Angels on Assignment Again.” (Charles and Frances Hunters' book) “Angels On Assignment” was printed almost 40 years ago! If ever we needed to know of angels’ ministries, it is now!

God says much about angels — more than about demons, by the way. The plethora of demonstrations worldwide (involves) “demon”-strations not demonstrations!

The third book, “Radicals,” by Rev. Donna Howell, is exciting and enlightening. Some don’t approve of women “Reverends.” It’s been obvious God ordains and anoints whomever He will to get His job done. Hallelujah! He even used a donkey in the Old Testament — praise God.

Was there ever a time more than now that the world recognizes and acknowledges that God is sovereign? America and the world’s only hope is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, whose second coming some believe imminent. Wow!  

Let’s not forget Galatians 6:7: “Be not deceived, God cannot be mocked … we’ll reap what we sow.”

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha! 



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: In Trump era, angels and demons on display