President Trump did what his predecessors didn't


Dear editor,

I don’t wonder, I’m sure President Trump socked it to Putin warning him to not meddle in our election. Even Obama is guilty of meddling in Israel to keep Netanyahu from victory. Shame, Shame!

Thank God President Trump had the guts to tell the UN we’re no longer going to foot the bill. He confronted NATO for their default in financially supporting the Alliance. They’re paying now! Obama and Bush said so, too, but never followed through!

President Trump also executed moving our embassy to Jerusalem, a Biblical happening! His predecessor should have, but didn’t!

Shame on the bad guys who say: “Trump knows little or nothing about anything; a child; not fit to be president; imbecile; incompetent, out of control president; insults our allies."

Taking no salary, this patriot handles with grace the vitriolic attacks (since day one) of those hell-bent on destroying him. I love his stick-to-it-ness! He loves and cares about making America great again, praise God!

As for insulting, the anti-Trumpers are insulting God—who is in control—who orchestrated Trump’s presidency. Hallelujah!

Why the shock at his comment on intelligence agencies? Many Americans justifiably question, knowing Hillary got away with murder. Should she be prosecuted? Only God knows of other cover-ups or shenanigans like producing a Comey urging vote for Democrats. How did John Brennan, a former communist, get hired by the CIA? He dares to call President Trump’s behavior at Helsinki “treasonous."

Scarborough (et al) said, “We all know Putin’s got something on Trump."

“We all” don’t know it. They don’t speak for me! Impeachment activists better think twice!

They should read two terrific books: “The Case Against Impeachment of Trump” by Alan Dershowitz and “Liars, Leakers, and Liberals” by dynamic Judge Jeanine Pirro.

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: President Trump did what his predecessors didn't