Santa Rosa needs more substance abuse rehab centers


Dear editor, 

The leadership in America is shameful. Almost all [morality] is gone, and to the evil doers, bad is good.

Why do the leaders in Santa Rosa County think it’s so good to keep weak-minded alcoholics at bay, even on Sunday mornings?

Some people in leadership really don't consider the fact of being a "brother keeper" when he's in need of rehab from drugs and alcohol. Temptation is a stronghold that can, and [does] overtake the weak, even those in Christ, at times.

So why deprive your brothers and sisters of the pursuit of happiness?

Drunkenness is a sinful act, and it kills. Their blood will be on the pushers’ hands.

Santa Rosa County is in need of rehab complexes, not more bars for the young people, and some old ones as well.

Be your brother’s keeper in righteousness.



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Santa Rosa needs more substance abuse rehab centers