Atheists want to erase Christians' heritage


Dear editor, 

Will it ever stop? I’m outraged at “bad guys” advocating removal of crosses at Bayview and Pensacola Beach. The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State work around the clock to silence American patriots.

Shame on them. It’s disgusting! They’ve won some victories, prohibiting: prayer at school graduations and football games, at town council meetings; forcing removal of Nativity scenes, Ten Commandments displays and even declared the National Day of Prayer “unconstitutional." The anti-God, anti-Christ atheists, motivated by Satan, want all traces of our Judeo-Christian heritage erased.

Thank God for Citizens United Foundation fighting for our religious freedom for years.

Now the Camp Pendleton Cross is being attacked. How dare they dishonor the seven Marines, led by young Cpl. Robert Zurheide, who lifted a 13-foot wooden cross on their backs, carrying it up treacherous terrain to the peak of Mount Horno at Camp Pendleton in 2003. Those Marines were honoring comrades killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom. What brotherly love! Less than a year later Zurheide was killed during the bloody fighting in Fallujah, Iraq. He never met his son born a month later.

Since 2003, four of those seven brave Marines were killed in action. The cross, an important memorial site, finds Marines, widows and children making the difficult climb to honor these Americans and others who made the ultimate sacrifice! They leave crayon-scribbled cards with messages of love, battered dog tags and even sand from Iwo Jima to honor all Marines past and present.

Gen. Robert Neller, Marine Corps commander who must decide, needs prayer and support. All Americans should stand with Marine families at the camp. The Marines should not kowtow to the heartless atheists who need to have the compassion of Christ. God loves the atheists too, not their actions! Christ died for all, not willing that any should perish!

Atheists say they’re “offended” by crosses and other displays of our Judeo-Christian heritage. What’s offensive is the complacency of many Americans, doing nothing, not speaking out!

The ACLU and that “railroading 9th Circuit Court (also “bad guys”) declared the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross in San Diego unconstitutional."

There’s still hope! The atheists lost their Supreme Court case to tear down the 75-year old Mojave Cross in the California Desert — hallelujah!!

Sad to say it was stolen later in the dead of night.

The Citizens United had many successes too. They collected more petitions than anyone to impeach America’s most radical, anti-God judge — Judge Stephen Reinhardt.

They spearheaded the campaign to save our National Day of Prayer; the leftists and atheists seek to silence it.

We and all judges shall give account one day to The Judge of judges!

I sent my donation to help print, distribute and collect 5 million “Notes of Support for the Commandant." May God move many to donate; even $2 will help.

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!

Chrys Holley


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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Atheists want to erase Christians' heritage