The extreme left creates debt


Dear editor,

What is the difference between the extreme political left and right?

The extreme right, as you go farther to the right, is continuously smaller government, which becomes no government but also no national debt. The extreme left, as you go farther to the left, is continuously larger government, which becomes no government because it collapses under the weight of its own created debts.

What is the difference between the two?

With one extreme, you have no government to guide society as a whole, but with the other extreme, you have a government that guided society as a whole, but has left you with a [non]repayable $20 trillion debt if it collapsed today.

If it folds in ten years, that debt may be $30 trillion. But the fact is government is gone along with its true purpose for a civilized lawful society. A civilized society does not mean everyone is financially equal because we are not created equal but are treated equally under the laws of a civilized lawful society.

John F. Kennedy’s presidential speech stated "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.” Today, for him to be elected as a Democrat, his speech would have to be, "ask not what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you."

He gave his original speech January 20, 1961 and our debt was $289 billion. When Barack Obama left office on January 20, 2017 our debt was $19.4 trillion. When government confuses racial equality under the law with financial equality for all with laws, this action alone creates racism, increases poverty among all races, and a national [non]repayable debt.

Democrat socialism focuses on redistributing the wealth but never a redistribution of the work among all citizens being the very base of true socialism.

Now, you decide where we are in regards to the political spectrum and the direction we must go to remain solvent as a civilized lawful nation.



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: The extreme left creates debt