School district seeks Title 1, STEM assistance

Santa Rosa County School District Director of Federal Programs Karen Barber. [File photo]

MILTON — The Santa Rosa County School District has requested funds in the form of three separate grants for the 2017-2018 school year.

Karen Barber, the director of federal programs, submitted an application for the Title 1, Part A Grant for Disadvantaged Children and Youth, a continuation grant that provides supplemental services to 20 Title I public schools and two Title I private schools within the district. The grant also provides funding for the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics Innovate Initiative.

The grant provides funds for maintenance and enhancement of school-wide reading and math reform to increase the following activities: the amount and quality of learning time for students in grades K-12; the percentage of teachers participating in high quality professional development; and parent involvement, according to the grant synopsis.

The grant will fund the purchase of researched-based materials and instructional technology to ensure the increase of student proficiency in reading and math and increase graduation rate and successful transition to college and career. Grant funds are also allocated to provide supporting services to students who qualify for Neglected and Delinquent and/or Homeless Education Services, according to the grant synopsis.

The funds requested by the school district for this grant are $4,610,943; the amount of the grant last year was $4,316,614.

Charlin Knight, the director of workforce education, submitted an application for the Carl D. Perkins Secondary Grant and the Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Grant. These grants are used to provide students within the school district with the academic and technical skills needed to be successful in a knowledge and skills based economy, according to the grant synopsis.

These federal resources help ensure that career and technical programs are academically rigorous and up-to-date with the needs of the regional business and industry; the funds also support innovation and expand access to quality career and technical education programs, according to the grant synopsis.

The funds requested by the school district for the secondary grant are $203,557; the amount of the grant last year was $202,785. The funds requested for the post secondary grant are $54,286, which is the same as the amount received last year. No funds are required from the school board.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: School district seeks Title 1, STEM assistance