Confused and disappointed


Dear editor,

After reading the article, "City to Allow Churches to Serve Alcohol" I am very confused.

After alcohol laws had been put into place saying that alcohol can't be served within 500 feet of a house of worship, the pastor of the St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Milton has asked for clarification. He asked if this meant that his church itself could not host wine tasting events, provide beer at an Oktoberfest celebration, etc.

I'm disappointed that one church sees nothing wrong with this.

The Bible tells us to flee from evil. Alcohol is evil. It kills people, breaks up families, and is addictive. What kind of mixed message is this sending to people we are trying to witness and minister to?

God says that we are to be salt and light. When we lose our saltiness we are not effective. I thought churches, the body of Christ, were supposed to be on the same side and work for the same one true God. John 14:6 says, "I am the way, the truth and the life." No one comes to the father except through me."

God told us to ask for discernment before we pray, to interpret what the Bible says to us. Then act, and be in one accord with each other.

No one church should have the wording changed in a law that has already been voted on. There should be no exception. 



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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Confused and disappointed