School district to implement sex education

An agreement between the school district and the Pregnancy Resource Center to teach sex education will continue through 2022, unless either party decides to terminate the agreement early. [File photo]

MILTON — the Santa Rosa County School District has entered an agreement with the Pregnancy Resource Center in Milton to provide sex education to high school students.

“Our agreement with the Pregnancy Resource Center to provide relationship and sexually transmitted disease education to high school students will assist our high schools in meeting the board policy and Florida statutes that guide instruction in these areas,” Sherry Smith, director of student services, said.

The PRC is a non-profit volunteer organization that serves as a support system for women and their families during an unexpected pregnancy, and provides resources, information and guidance. According to the memorandum of understanding, the PRC desires to help educate children on forming safe and responsible relationships.

PRC personnel will teach 12 courses, including: "Components that affect our relationships," "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus," "Goal setting and achieving," "Overcoming obstacles," "Actions have consequences," "True love versus infatuation," "Chemical bonding," "Steps of intimacy and how to stop them," "Boundaries are our friends," "Foundations of a healthy relationship," "STI facts and stories," and "Saving sex for marriage".

According to the agreement, the PRC’s relationship delivery model includes two 50-minute sessions over two days. It is an evidence-based curriculum designed to help teens lean how to set goals and make wise choices about relationships, dating, partners and more.

Parents must sign a consent form to allow their student to participate in these lessons. The PRC will provide handouts, facilitator laptops, materials for presentations and other relevant curriculum materials.

The agreement between the district and the PRC will continue through 2022, unless either party decides to terminate the agreement early.

“It is our purpose to help our students achieve their goals, keep their priorities straight in relationships and keep them on their path to a healthy lifestyle,” the agreement said.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: School district to implement sex education