LETTER: Turn to God for answers

Thank God for the patriotic police officer who rescued Old Glory on the ground in Kearney, Nebraska on Flag Day. Tire and Auto Service owners, out of town, were unaware of the broken pole.

Some Democrats are hell bent on abolishing police departments! What insanity! They should DEFEND, NOT DEFUND them! They put their lives at risk to protect us.

Guilty cops should be punished. Were they abolished, lawlessness would abound, intensify! Some might consider that good, a sign that would hasten the return of Jesus Christ, America’s and the whole world’s only real hope, Hallelujah!

America should genuflect to God in repentance, return to God. He’ll heal our land. He’ll change hearts, (not the anatomical muscle!) God will effect a unified America, defeating the disgusting rampant hatred orchestrated by Satan, god of this world!

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!

Chrys Holley, Milton

I am truly mystified by the so-called outrage by parents over the remarks by a Pace high school science teacher who is truly in a position to actually see results. Nothing but fact was stated.

I too have been in both command of military organizations and in executive positions in civilian industry to see results. I also saw the results of people who were not qualified for senior positions which was not good. It does not matter what a person's gender, race or creed is — only their ability should ever be considered.

The police who are sworn to protect and serve in general do an excellent job if not inhibited by political officials. They are forced to deal with the dregs of humanity. Murder by anyone should never be tolerated.

Prejudice has existed since time began, witness the Jews who not only overcame it but thrive.

The race hustlers, both Black and white, refuse to even consider the Black family problem, where a two-parent family is less common; but when it does exist, the children do very well.

I also believe this letter will never be published by the liberal media.

Frank J. Tansley , Pace

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: LETTER: Turn to God for answers