Chain Reaction sets teen scholarship drive

Looking for a way to give back to the future of your community this holiday season? Chain Reaction has launched its December Teen Scholarship Drive.

Forty-one percent of teens the organization currently serves receive a scholarship to pay for their membership fees.

"Supporters like you are influential," a media release from the organization states. "You can create communities that inspire teens to serve the needs of our community! With your gift you will enable teens to be a part of Chain Reaction.

"They will help reduce illiteracy rates, bring hope to children in crisis, and promote the curiosity of math, engineering and science, and much more."

Residents can support scholarships for current teen memberships at full price ($70) or half-price ($35) by mailing a check to 1000 College Blvd Building 98, Pensacola FL 32504.

Alternatively, they can pay at by clicking the Donate button at the top of the page.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Chain Reaction sets teen scholarship drive