Catching up with North Santa Rosa's all-star football players

Colton Hines, No. 95, plays defensive line on Pace High School's football team. [Special to the Press Gazette]

Editor's note: This begins our series on Santa Rosa County's student athletes selected for the 2017 Subway High School All-Star Football Team.

South Santa Rosa County — Gulf Breeze and Navarre — athletes will be featured in the Dec. 13 edition of the Press Gazette.

MILTON — Eric Godfrey and Connor Moye of Jay High School; Aubrey Williams, Mike Mullen, Josh Bastin and Deantae Myers of Milton High School; and Spencer Lovett, Colton Hines, Tony Gerencser and Hunter Beville of Pace High School are among the 21 athletes in Santa Rosa County selected to join the 2017 Subway High School All-Star Football team.

The Subway High School All-Star Series is a sequence of games between high school senior athletes from Okaloosa, Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. The main football game is set Dec. 15 at the Blue Wahoos Stadium in Pensacola.

Here, we catch up with the high school seniors on making the all-star team, their everyday lives and their aspirations.

How long have you been playing football?

CM: I have been playing for three years.

EG: I have been playing football for five years.

AW: I’ve been playing since I was 5.

MM: I’ve been playing football since I was 5.

JB: Since I was 10.

DM: I’ve been playing for like six years, but within those six years, I took a break for like three years. This is my first year playing high school football.

SL: This year was my 13th year.

CH: Ten years.

AG: Thirteen years.

HB: This has been my fourth year.

What’s the best part of football?

CM: The best part of football is how playing the sport [teaches you] life lessons.

EG: Probably being able to play football with my friends.

AW: The best part about playing football is being able to compete, and once you're inside those white lines no one can tell you [anything].

MM: I like to hit people, and I just like the flow of the game; it's fast-paced.

JB: The competition.

DM: The passion that the coaches have with the players; the commitment they have.

SL: The bonds and friendships you make.

CH: I think the best part is the friends you make and the brotherhood of the team.

AG: The best part is just the feeling and electricity on game day.

HB: The best part is being able to go out and compete with your friends and teammates.

What’s the worst part of football?

CM: The worst part of football is the long practices and conditioning.

EG: The worst part of football would be the running.

AW: The worst part about playing is the injuries.

MM: My least favorite would probably be running.

JB: When I’m not playing football.

DM: Summer practices, waking up at like 6 o’clock in the morning.

SL: Losing is the worst part.

CH: The worst part is practice for sure.

AG: The worst part is the heartbreaking losses.

HB: The worst part has to be losing. Working so hard for a game — then to lose, it just really is the worst part of football.

What is your favorite football experience?

CM: My favorite experience was killing Northview 49-18.

EG: Playing in games would be the best.

AW: The best expereince so far has been beating Pace my sophomore and senior year.

MM: Beating Pace my senior year and we got the bronze back.

JB: My first varsity game.

DM: Everything really. I had to get used to it in the beginning, but it’s been fun ever since then.

SL: All the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Atheltes) camps we went to.

CH: My favorite experience is doing FCA camp these past two years.

AG: My favorite experience is a tie between beating Milton in overtime my junior year and beating Tate on homecoming this year.

HB: My favorite football experience is going to FCA camp over the summer, and growing closer to my team.

What are your hobbies outside of football?

CM: My hobbies outside of football are hunting, fishing and baseball.

EG: I like to run and hang out with friends.

AW: I like to beat everyone else on the team in Madden (video game).

MM: I play baseball. I like to go hunting and fishing.

JB: I like to sleep.

DM: Sleeping.

SL: Hunting, fishing and [running] track.

CH: I like to play video games and spend time with friends. I also weight-lift a lot.

AG: My hobbies include weightlifting, relaxing and working on trucks in Jay.

HB: Outside football, I play video games, work out and throw the discus for track.

Do you plan on going to college? If so, where?

CM: Yes. I don’t know right now where I want to go to college.

EG: I do plan to go to college. I would like to go to college at [the University of] South Alabama.

AW: I do. I plan on playing football in college; probably at [the University of West Florida].

MM: Yes, I’m looking at UWF.

JB: Yes, I don’t know where yet.

DM: Yeah, I’ve been talking to a couple colleges. I was hoping to go to UWF probably, just to stay safe.

SL: Yes, I want to go to [the University of South Alabama].

CH: I do. I want to go to Ole Miss, preferably.

AG: I do, but I’m not sure at the moment where.

HB: I do, but I’m not sure yet.

What do you want to do as a career?

CM: Electrical engineering.

EG: I would like to go to college for physical therapy.

AW: I want to go into coaching; college coaching.

MM: Either cyber security or electrical engineering.

JB: Right now, engineering.

DM: Probably sports management.

SL: Some kind of construction.

CH: Either dentistry or oral surgery.

AG: Exercise physiology.

HB: I’m looking at kinesiology.

What is your favorite television show?

CM: "Impractical Jokers."

EG: I don’t really have a favorite TV show.

AW: Probably "The Walking Dead."

MM: "Blue Mountain State."

JB: "The Walking Dead."

DM: I don’t really watch TV.

SL: I don’t have a favorite TV show.

CH: I do not.

AG: I don’t watch TV.

HB: I don’t have a favorite TV show.

What is your favorite band or musician?

CM: Kevin Gates.

EG: I don’t really have a favorite musician, [but] my favorite kind of music is Christian music.

AW: NBA YoungBoy.

MM: George Strait.

JB: I listen to some rap, but I don’t know anybody. I listen to everything.

DM: I’d say Tee Grizzley

SL: Probably Kodak.

CH: I don’t have a favorite band or musician. I like rap and rock.

AG: I don’t have a favorite musician. I like anything not country.

HB: I like all music.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

CM: If I had one superpower, it would be to see the future to prevent any mistakes I would make.

EG: I would have to go with being able to fly. I would go with flying because it seems like it would be fun.

AW: If it had one superpower, it would be to live forever.

MM: To have super strength.

JB: Super strength.

DM: I’d have unlimited stamina.

SL: Telekinesis, so you can move stuff with your mind.

CH: Stealing other people's superpowers.

AG: Mind reading, just so you can know what everyone is thinking.

HB: I would want to teleport.

WHAT: Subway High School All-Star Football Game

WHEN: Dec. 15 — gates open at 6 p.m.; kickoff is at 7 p.m. 

WHERE: Pensacola Blue Wahoos Stadium, 351 W. Cedar St., Pensacola

COST: $11 at the door; $9 at the door if you bring a canned good


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Catching up with North Santa Rosa's all-star football players