Santa Rosa County deserves better


Dear editor,

On the 28th of this month we the citizens of Santa Rosa County will go to the polls to elect or re-elect the folks whom we trust to run our government. The right to freely choose these so-called leaders comes at a heavy price and requires continual payments.

Being of that age when military service was compulsory my family and I know that price. Freedom is truly not free.

When it comes to voter turnout, the reality is that if 30 percent of registered voters show at the poles it would be high in most cases. Going about our county, I watch and listen to what folks say and do. It is interesting the things I hear and see from my fellow citizens. It seems that the numbers or reversed of voter turnout to the negative views of our government and its leaders.

As one fellow said, "From the white house to the outhouse, they all smell."

Our last presidential election in 2016 revealed one thing that is for sure. There is a very large group in America that finally have a voice that has their interest at heart and not that of special interest and campaign donors.

They are, or I should say, we are the ones who keep the streets clean, make sure power is on, serve our food in restaurants, who show up at Gospel Projects in work clothes with soiled knees to be there for their kids.

We as for the large part go about our daily living and never have interaction with an elected official. We are God-fearing, law-abiding citizens. We elect our officials and trust them to do what is right for all citizens.

That is not the case at all — far from it. Washington and Tallahassee are the big, easy targets for criticism.

Our current president, Mr. Trump, has pointed out the need to drain the swamp and the deep state of government that exists in Washington. Mr. Trump did not have an epiphany, nor did a revelation come upon him in an enlightening vision, nor is he privy to information exclusive to him alone. No, not at all, it is none these.

As the Don Henly, of the Eagles, in his song says, "Everyone knows the boat is leaking. Everyone knows the captain lied, but we keep buying tickets."

We all know the swamp needs to be drained and a deep state exists in our government. The news media knows. Politicians know, and we know. We all are complicate. You are part of the solution or part of the problem. But…

Mr. Trump has the intestinal fortitude and possess the manhood — so to speak — to call it as it is and not worry about being politically correct. Mr. Trump is speaking to and for that large segment of society that has not had a true voice for a very long time.

That condition and state of affairs that exist in Washington is right here in Santa Rosa County. As my neighbor pointed out "We got a swamp right here in Milton on the Blackwater River."

Our county commissioner meeting on Aug. 9 was a bit lively to say the least. The current chairman and past chairman of the board had a verbal exchange that got heated … with one asking the other to go out back and settle the matter.

Maybe he wanted to go outside and make nice, kiss and make up. But knowing the past history of both, I don't think that is what they had in mind — not one of the finer moments for our commission.

I try to look at the lighter view of things with a realistic lens. The reality is the behavior of these two on Aug. 9 is not the exception, but the norm. As I said earlier I listen to what people say and watch what they do.

Like grandpa said, "A tom cat is a tom cat no matter where you put him."

But seriously, is this behavior acceptable, what we deserve from our commissioners? Ask yourself a simple question. "How would I as a parent react if my child behaved in such a manner?"

If you find it acceptable, get ready to start paying bail bondsmen.

This type of behavior in grown mature adults is not acceptable at any time, especially by our  commissioners in a public venue. It reveals a deep character flaw within a person's soul. It shows a lack of self control and discipline, a weakness so to speak. Words like arrogance, malevolence, and impunity could be used to explain their conduct.

Would you except and allow an employee working for you to conduct themselves in such manner toward customers? No, of course not. You would fire them or go out of business. Both these men are seeking re-election.

I have a simple, but proven test to gauge an individual's character. Would I turn over the care of my grandchildren to them? In this case I would have to look farther. It might be, nay, it is time to send them home.

Santa Rosa County deserves better and has better. On Aug. 28 we will have the opportunity to fire — term limits — some folks and hire some new ones. Remember, "everybody knows the boat is leaking."

On a lighter note, my money is on our current chairman. He's a street fighter. He could take him in the best two out three. Maybe get Public Works to set up an octagon. Sell a few tickets. Raise a little money. Have a little fun. Remember, vote and be part of the solution.


Pea Ridge

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Santa Rosa County deserves better