Pace High celebrates atheletic college signing

The Shultz family, form the left; Margaret, Bernie, Elise and Suzanne take a moment to pose for a picture at the Pace High School signing day event. [Ramon Rios\SRPG]

PACE — Pace High School celebrated three senior athletes this week during a college signing ceremony at the school.

Elise Schultz, golf, committed to Arkansas State University. 

"I liked the team environment, and enjoyed visiting the campus," Schultz said.

Shultz said she wants to study mechanical engineering. She said she is really excited about this opportunity. Shultz said she started golfing when she was 10 years old with her father, also a golfer.

"I can beat my dad,"she said.

Erica Fisher, cross country and track, committed to University of Tennessee.

"The coaches and team were great." Fisher said. "[They] made me feel at home.

Fisher said she will study exercise science. Fisher has a twin sister, Laura, that is into art. Fisher said she was in gymnastics for eight years, then switched to running because she was more successful at running. She runs in the 3,200 and 1,600 meter races in track.

"It's in the genes," she said. 

Fisher's mother was a state champion runner when she was in high school.

Brandon Sproat, Baseball (pitcher), committed to University of Florida.

"I feel in love with the campus, the coaches and the work ethic," Sproat said.

Fisher said he wants to major in sports management.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Pace High celebrates atheletic college signing