Local educators attend Discovery Education institute

Santa Rosa School District employees Michael Knowlton, Angela Fulton and Jennifer Hendricks stand behind the DENSI sign in July in Ogden, Utah. They learnd about digital technology and resources they could use to improve student engagement. [CONTRIBUTED PHOTO]

SILVER SPRING, Maryland — Woodlawn Beach Middle School’s Angela Fulton, Jay Elementary’s Jennifer Hendricks and Instructional Technology Specialist Michael Knowlton, from the Office of Professional Learning in Santa Rosa County, recently joined more than 160 fellow educators from around the world for the 2019 DEN Summer Institute, an immersive five-day professional development experience.

A global community of education professionals supported by Discovery Education, the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) connects members across school systems and around the world through social media, virtual conferences, and in-person events, fostering valuable networking, idea sharing, and inspiration. Discovery Education provides standards-aligned digital curriculum resources, engaging content, and professional learning for K-12 classrooms.

The 2019 summer institute was held at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah.

Featuring a number of interactive seminars and hands-on workshops, it was designed to support educators as they combine the latest technologies and digital content to create authentic digital learning environments that engage students and improve achievement. Participants were able to connect, collaborate, and share resources, ideas and strategies for integrating the latest technologies and digital content into classroom instruction.

"We are very proud of the educators from our district selected to participate in DENSI 2019, and our community is inspired by their commitment to using the latest technologies and digital content to help all students reach their highest potential," said Michael Thorpe, director of inservice and instructional technology. "The students and teachers in Santa Rosa County will benefit tremendously from the new approaches to using educational technologies Angela, Jennifer, and Michael have taken away from this great professional learning opportunity."

Participation was on an invitation-only basis. The classroom teachers, school principals, instructional coaches, library media, technology specialists, and other educators selected were chosen for their outstanding leadership qualities, interest in integrating educational technologies into classroom instruction, and dedication to creating dynamic digital learning environments.

"Santa Rosa County School District’s selection for DENSI demonstrates their outstanding leadership and commitment to using the latest technologies and innovative teaching strategies and techniques to improve student achievement," said Lance Rougeux, vice president of learning communities and innovation for Discovery Education. "Their participation in DENSI 2019 will help increase student engagement across Santa Rosa County and support the district’s effort to prepare all learners with the critical skills they need to succeed beyond the classroom."

Knowlton, Fulton and Hendricks return to Santa Rosa County School District equipped to help their peers transform teaching and learning with new strategies and techniques for integrating digital resources into curriculum and instruction.

Visit https://den.discoveryeducation.com/participate/summerinstitutesfaq for more information about the institute. Visit www.discoveryeducation.com for more information about Discovery Education’s digital resources and professional learning services.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Local educators attend Discovery Education institute