Complaints about mail delivery in Milton are starting again

MILTON — Angela Crosser said she has poor mail delivery service at her home and wants something done about it.

“I have been missing mail — checks, birthday cards, utility bills — going on for months,” Crosser said. “I had to pay late fees on my credit card bill because I never received the bill.”

?RELATED (2018): LETTER: Milton Post Office

Crosser said she talked to a manager at the Milton Post Office on Jan. 16, and is still having issues.

Crosser’s neighbor, Naif Aotaibi, said he has experienced two instances where bills were not delivered.

“When that happened I just switched to paying my bills online,” Aotaibi said.

?RELATED (2018): Residents take to social media on Milton mail

Vanessa Cobb has been the officer in charge of the Milton Post Office since previous postmaster, Steve W. Seagraves, was removed from the position in 2019.

Cobb said she has offered several solutions to Crosser to find out what is happening to her mail, but she has not accepted any of them.

?RELATED (2018): Abandoned mail found

“I even offered to take a picture of every piece of her mail as it arrives to our post office and match it to what she receives — and I told her we would do it for two weeks,” Cobb said.

Cobb said mail today is processed through an automated assembly-line procedure where it is sorted, bundled and sent to the appropriate post office for delivery.

“Our mail carriers do not sort pieces of mail anymore, they get bundles of mail for their routes and start delivering,” Cobb said.

Many times the lost items never made it to the post office to be delivered.

Customers can go online to and find a variety of procedures to try to locate missing mail.

”Every piece of mail that comes to Milton is delivered,” Cobb said. ”To the point that I will drive and make deliveries myself.”

Crosser lives on Westport Drive, off Hamilton Bridge Road, part of the same location plagued by non-delivery issues in the latter months of 2018.

In 2018, there were hundreds of complaints about non-delivery of packages, personal mail, bills and medical prescriptions. Adding to customer frustration was the lack of communications, and constant excuses from Milton postal officials.

A local resident found bundles of abandoned mail on the side of a rural road that lead to an investigation by the Post Office.

The results of the investigation caused the removal of the postmaster and the termination of a mail carrier who was tied to the abandoned mail.

Cobb said she would remain at the Milton Post Office until a new postmaster is selected. She welcomed anyone who is having delivery issues to contact the Post Office.


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosas Press Gazette: Complaints about mail delivery in Milton are starting again