Speak Out July 28

 Thursday, July 23

Tommy, it broke my heart to hear about the two dogs begin tied up for 11 years. Someone has to speak up for these animals. Good Luck.

Thursday, July 23

Yeah, this is Harold, the Senior Navy Chief from Milton. Just one comment, short comment. Move over Sodom and Gomorrah, here we come. Thank you.

Saturday, July 25

My name is Raymond Johns and I just wanted to say that it is about high time  America pushes aside selfish evilness and come out of denial of the hostile styles they still do to black people. If this doesn’t change soon there is no America and it has never been a United States. And its time that you know to stop trying to make black people to sit on their mouths because of the way they are being treated. It’s shameful, but to America shame is more important than truth and denial is the hero. There is just no reason why this country should be fighting over a stupid rebel flag. The proudest country in the world. It even has a statue of liberty representing freedom. They’re in denial and tell you they aren’t that way. Have a blessed day.

Saturday, July 25

Yes, I was wondering what ya’ll did with Walter Williams, the smartest man ya’ll had in your newspaper. Thank you, I’m Helen. Thank you.

Saturday, July 25

This is Tony in response to Mary. If you will reread my previous comments I never said Christianity would go away. I said the gays, their lifestyles and marriage would never go away. So you need to pay attention to what I say. Also if you do some research on your history, you will find out that King James the first was attracted to men. So you need to reach the history on him. So I don’t necessarily go with the King James version. Thank you.

Saturday, July 25

Yeah, This is Bobby. I was reading in the Press Gazette Saturday, the county commissioners don’t seem to understand the word ‘cut back.’ Balance your budget without raising taxes. You might want to raise property tax because people don’t want a sales tax. I would rather have a sales tax but if you keep upping the property tax then you won’t have to worry about it cause we are going to have some new county commissioners. I think we ought to vote everybody out that voted for it. If they run low on something on their budget then they cut back on something. They don’t get out and get another job to pay for the back stuff. Thank you.

Saturday, July 25

Yeah, Hi this is Gloria and I am responding to Tommy from Jay, Florida, who talked about the two dogs chained up in the backyard for years and you can’t get any satisfaction from the pound in Milton. I feel really bad about that those dogs. The letter you wrote made me feel real sad. I can feel your frustration. Nobody wants to do something. They don’t want to rattle anyone’s cage at all, but if you could call down and speak to the director of the pound place, he might could help you. Then another thing you could do is put a letter in the man’s mail box and ask him to please take care of these dogs the right way. I wish I could help. Maybe the police in Pace would help go and talk to the people about this. Cause if this was in California those people would be picked up and given a citation. Also there is Aaron, he is a very good young writer over there. Maybe you could send him a pictures of the dogs, the chain and the house. Maybe he could jump on that. He is a very good writer and maybe he could put those pictures in the paper. Anyways a picture of that is better than a picture of woman who stabbed her own husband. Don’t you think? Thank you and good luck Tommy. Let us know what happened.

Sunday, June 26

Yeah, this is Cathy. Tell me where is your Sudoku? I don’t see it. Can you start putting it back in there?  A lot of us do like it. Thank you. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out July 28