Planned Parenthood’s defunding overdue

Dear Editor,

Congress is dealing with defunding Planned Parenthood. It should be done without haste. Years ago, I found out about the billions of dollars given to them. So upset at a church function, I approached a legislator about it, receiving no satisfaction in his response. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked.” We shall reap what we sow! God will hold accountable all, especially Christians who are too chicken to take a stand on the innocent blood being shed issue. It’s despicable. Shame on Congress letting it ride this long. Tax dollars being used for purposes against God is causing us to err. Remember, “God doesn’t give His children the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” Hallelujah! God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Planned Parenthood’s defunding overdue