Speak Out April 22

Friday Noon

Yes, I am calling from Pace. I want to throw something out there for garbage collecting, If they put all of the trashcans on one side of the road and the truck went to meet the other truck down the road to pick one side and then the other side. Wouldn’t me more tactful to pick trash cans on one side of the road, so they won’t to make one trip down the road. Save gas save time, I’m just putting that out there. Thank you

Saturday 10:10 a.m.

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. It looks like our nation is in turmoil and in unrest. We have people going against people. In God’s word, Mark 3:24 it says if a kingdom is divided against itself, then the kingdom cannot stand. There is a saying, a poem I want to read to you. ‘For the want of a nail, a shoe was lost. For the want of a shoe, a horse was lost. For the want of a rider a battle was lost. For the want of a battle a kingdom was lost and all for the want of a horseshoe nail.’ We need to put on the whole armor of God, Ephesians 6:11, so we can fight against the enemy. Christians need to stand up, we need to pray for a President that is Godly and believes the Bible and honors God and loves the country.    

Saturday 10:22 a.m.

Yes, This is Nita. I want to apologize to Mary Johnson. She was also in Tallahassee as was Ms. Lay. We are proud of her too. I am so sorry. I meant to mention her, but I didn’t.

Saturday 1:43 p.m.

Yeah I would like for somebody to reach out to the Poarch Creek Indians. I keep seeing these advertisements on TV back-to-back. What do they want? I keep seeing these advertisements on TV. What are we supposed to do, get down in front of the TV and bow in front of them. They just keep saying ‘we are the Poarch Creek Indians and we live in Florida.’ Well what if a bunch of the Irish American got together and said the same thing. Just my thought.

Saturday 1:45 p.m.                                                                                                                       

I’m calling about Berryhill Road because of the deteriorating shape of the road. There is big large pieces coming out. I know the truck people are going to say they pay taxes, so they can use the roadways across the city, it’s for their livelihood. Where are the politicians and the people who control the tax money, or whoever controls. Why aren’t they fixing the streets? I just don’t understand. We just go day-to-day on tore up streets. Somebody needs to take some tax money and fix this road. It’s really in very bad shape. I guess it’s going to take somebody getting killed after an accident, for somebody to wake up.

 Saturday 1:47 p.m.

I’m calling about the courthouse. I just wondered who put Milton in charge of the whole courthouse, when it’s a county courthouse. The problems with Milton is that they don’t want no progression or no anything expanded. So they are fighting on where to put the new courthouse. I think somebody needs to get together and tell the Milton people that the courthouse don’t belong to them, it belongs to the county. Somebody needs to make a decision about the roadway coming through. Is it going to come down the main drag or go around, but somebody needs to fix that. That is definitely a traffic jam and we all need to work together to get this fixed.

Saturday 4:29 p.m.

Yeah this is Bobby. I was reading in the paper about some more about widening Highway 90 and Ms. Lay saying it would displace homeowners to split out. I don’t see how, you got one lane going each way now. One plus one equals two. You would just turn one of them around and have two lanes. It would still be two lanes so why would you displace anybody. Another thing, she wants to affirm what the old council had to say. Did she ever think, that’s why some of the council ain’t there. Some of the new council may not be there next time and they just want to do whatever they want to and not listen to the people. Thank you. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out April 22