Granny Nannies, so mom can stay home

(Left to right) Colette Sislak, Melissa Saia, Lynda Hyland, Cindy Smith, and Michele Wood. Most of Hyland’s staff hails from New Orleans, so be sure to give them a big “Who dat” if you call 203-1670 or visit 5668 Gulf Breeze Parkway.

Home health care provides an alternative to nursing homes and provides the needed assistance for bathing, transportation, cooking and other tasks, which may otherwise require an assisted living facility. From Arizona to Pennsylvania to Florida, Granny Nannies provides short and long term care, with one-hour to 24/7 availability. Lynda Hyland owns the franchise in Gulf Breeze and said the Granny Nannies Certified Nursing Assistants become like family members in the homes in which they serve.

Hyland said the nannies she employs not only take care of core nursing assistant duties like bathing assistance, transferring (bed to standing), and range of motion exercise, but also household help such as meal preparation, shopping, light housework, and general companionship.

Nannies come in a wide variety, according to Hyland, to suit the needs of the family. They range from early 20s to several in their 70s. Hyland said a nanny who started with Hyland in 2005 retired at 84. Some clients smoke and some don’t. Some clients prefer talkative aids and some prefer quiet. Hyland said Granny Nannies strives to match clients with caregivers based on client needs and desires, even second-language needs.

The one-hour care Granny Nannies provides, Hyland said, can be a bath visit or general assistance. The bath visit encompasses several bathroom routines such as hair care, cleaning teeth and dentures, shaving, and dressing.

For transportation needs, Granny Nannies can pick up the client at home, take them to an appointment or grocery shopping, and return as well as help with putting items away. This is a three-hour service.

Full 24/7 care, Hyland said, usually family requests when they live too far away or when “mom and dad don’t want to move.” Granny Nannies can also handle Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. Hyland said they serve bedbound patients and those just needing reminders to eat and take their medicine.

Granny Nannies are always ready to respond for new clients, existing, and those needing emergency assistance. Reach Hyland’s office at 203-1670 and Michele, Colette, or Melissa will take detailed information on exactly what families want from an assistant and do their best to find a new member for the family trained to take care of loved ones in need. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Granny Nannies, so mom can stay home