Speak Out May 30

Saturday 6:35 p.m.

Yeah this is Bobby I was reading in Saturday’s paper about ex mayor Thompson and how he feels about old buildings. Now he sounds like they’re not worth anything unless you can’t do anything with them. Well using that theory they can plow the whole City of Milton down including the Exchange Hotel.  If they get rid of the Fisher Hamilton building I would like for somebody to tell me how that’s’ going to benefit the City of Milton to have a four-lane highway. If they wanted to make a tourist attraction out of it they should have built brick roads, kind of a custom building right there by Fisher Hamilton Hardware. They could have kept all those old buildings. Thank you.

Tuesday 7:45 p.m.

This is Tony from East Milton. Finally, somebody is making sense. Take down that old Fisher Hamilton Building and guess what. Take out the rest of them, too, and you’ll see the beautiful river that’s being blocked from everybody’s view. It doesn’t make sense to keep those old, empty buildings there any longer. Thank you.

Wednesday 2:49 p.m.

Our flag has been displayed upside down since Obama took office. Our country is indeed in distress. My husband is a veteran that risked his life for this country that many in Washington in our government is trying to destroy. Thank you.

Wednesday 2:53 p.m.

In regard to selling alcohol on Sunday in Milton, Mr. Hill is very wrong when he thinks this will only impact Milton. Only 1 or 2 people in a year drinking too much on a Sunday can kill someone on the way to Pace or someone someplace else in the county. Yes, we are please that our pastor stands up for it. Do you restaurant owners have to have liquor to make a go of it every day? Sunday is a day for God and many of us are Christians. Can’t you at least let us have one day free of this vile liquor?

Wednesday 6:44 p.m.

Hi, it was my understanding when SRC had wet or dry on the referendum to vote that when we voted wet they were going to restrict the number of liquor license in SRC. I’d like to see SRC put the wet-dry vote back on the referendum and let’s get the county dry again ‘cause we sure aren’t getting any of the restrictions on the liquor licenses. Thank you.

Wednesday 6:54 p.m.

This is Marion. My understanding of the Holy Bible is that no Christian can vote for liquor sales in downtown Milton or any other location any day of the week. Thank you.

Wednesday 7:09 p.m.

Yeah this is Bobby. Reading in the article about the city and the businesses Glen Hill from Blackwater Bistro and if they could make money to sell alcohol on Sunday that they’ll have restaurants up and down Stewart Street and Avalon. The reason they don’t build big restaurants is ‘cause there aren’t enough people to support big restaurants. They don’t have to sell alcohol. A lot of restaurants don’t have alcohol. They go there to eat, the Cracker Barrel for instance,  the cafeterias in Pensacola. And if Mr. Hill gets the alcohol where he can sell it, he’s not sitting there with his fingers crossed hoping all these other places move in. I think they’re all just looking out for themselves and that’s it. Thank you.

Wednesday 9:23 p.m.

Hello this is Tim. I see where the county whacked the bushes on Highway 90. I live on Wildwood and my bushes look like a jungle. I wish they would come here and whack my bushes. Thank you.

Thursday midnight

Hi, this is Mark Davis in Milton and I actually live here in the city limits. I’ve spent 20 years of my life in defense of everyone’s rights and I would match my honor and integrity against any of you any time. Stop trying to legislate my morality. I’ll be with God in my own way. I don’t need your help. Thank you very much. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out May 30