Speak Out January 21

Thursday 12:13 p.m.

Why was Netanyahu at the march in Paris? … President Obama had more grace than most of these people that represented the world in there. Only a few can say they were there for peace.  This is Maria in Milton. Thank you, Speak Out.

Thursday 12:47 p.m.

Hello, this is Marie. Yes, we have a major litter problem here. The worst area is Audiss Road and Bagdad Highway. Bags of garbage have laid there for over three months now and not a thing has been done about it. It is a disgrace. What type of people do this? But then again people call this the Redneck Riviera for a reason. Thank you.

Thursday 2:36 p.m.

This is Bobby. I just heard on the radio that President Obama signed a deal that we can fly to Cuba now to visit and we’re allowed to bring back a hundred of dollars of tobacco and alcohol. I just wondered how you can bring back a bottle of booze when you can’t even take a bottle of shampoo on the airplane. It doesn’t sound exactly right. Thank you.

Friday 9:23 pm.

Yes this Escambia going on about the firefighters. Isn’t that the same thing as Brad Baker working for the county and then the fire chief up there in his part of the woods? Just was wondering. Bye.

Saturday 2:42 p.m.

All of us put out our trash cans on Thursday for the Friday pickup for ECUA. Here it is Saturday and they failed to pick it up. We have trash cans and then the extra recycling cans we have to pay extra for. What a disgusting mess.

Saturday 10 p.m.

Dear editor, if freedom of speech is the concept of expression or opinion, then I’m wondering it seems like to me why you are being biased because I know that I write editorials and I do call in opinions but it seems like more people have the right to express theirs than it seems like I have the opportunity to. So, yes, I want the opportunity to say whatever’s on my mind and I’d like for you to print it sometimes if you can let it go and let it be as is. Thank you and have a blessed day.

Saturday 1:29 a.m.

Hello, this is Marian. Many times when I’m headed for the Bagdad area I’ve been caught in a line of traffic waiting for the train to go by. Lately more and more of its cargo is tank cars. I wonder how many contain hazardous waste. Where did it come from? When it reaches its destination how do they dispose of it? Thank you.

Saturday 2:38 pm.

Yes, this is Jesse from Pace. I need to see if we can get somebody to clean these cement ditches out on West Spencer Field Road. It’s got to be such a mess they can’t drain right. By the way somebody right at the end of Polk Avenue threw two sacks of garbage in the ditch. I mean it’s a disgrace to look at. We need to see if we can get somebody to clean it up, and look in the bags and see if we can get an address for who dumped them in there. I’d appreciate it. It just looks bad when you’re driving down through there. Thank y’all.

Saturday 2:44 p.m.

Hey this is Thomas. I was wondering if anybody thought about the area roads getting so busted up and cracked all over. Have they considered resurfacing or doing something to it?  I think a lot of it’s the log trucks beating them up. It’s rough on your vehicle. We should get somebody to check on that. Thank you.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out January 21