Speak Out July 11

July 6

This is Mary, a concerned senior citizen. I just wanted to say wake up, America. It’s time to stand up and speak out. Your religious rights are being taken away. When a bakery doesn’t want to bake cakes for same sex weddings and are charged hundreds of thousands of dollars for not doing it, it’s time for all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ by faith to make their voice heard. It’s time and it’s past time. Thank you.

July 7

This is Brenda Tolbert. I’m calling about the woman in Navarre that followed the car home on 87 when the woman driving was throwing out four kittens and she followed the woman home to find out the address and called the police and the police came and arrested her and took her right away. That’s the way to go. She is a real hero. I wish she would come over here and teach some heroism classes here for people to do something like that and for the police to respond so quickly and take care of matters. I commend her. A lot of people wouldn’t care and she did care and she is a hero. Thank you.

Yes this is Raymond and I thank you for the opportunity to speak whatever’s on my mind. I speak in reference to the current event such as the Confederate flag. I can’t use stupidity because you won’t print it. I just want to say that for the people who are complaining and want to just keep mesmerizing themselves with this Confederate flag issue and think black people are not tired of white people just running over them. The Confederate flag has left a lot of scars on black people and the only way you would know that is to be black and have been through it. Other than that, you don’t have a clue. Thank you.

July 8

This is Kent, going after the Confederate flag. You got Lou Farrakhan going after Old Glory. What’s next? They’re going to tell us we can’t grow cotton? Is this racial? No. Absurd? Yes.

July 8

This is Landon with Kent. Change history by taking the flag down so keep it flying. It’s heritage not hate.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out July 11