Keep on dancing

I watched a viral video spotlighting three little girls performing ballet in a recital. When the music began, two of the trio started their routine and mimicked their teacher off stage, while one stood still with both hands at her mouth, watching her partners do their choreography. The middle girl began to twirl without stopping making herself dizzy and eventually her interest began to fade. Within the 2 ½  minute video, three quarters through, she plopped down on the stage and began crawling and  studying something on the floor. There was only one dancer performing.

Sometimes life can hold us hostage or cause sudden disinterest, apparently, even in 3 year olds. The video is precious. Ironically, the performance song was ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley about everything being alright. The sweet innocence of babies dancing in a confection of tulle is mesmerizing to watch. My own three girls participated in dance when they were young. I spent hours tying up tight hair buns, lacing and re-lacing ballet slippers.

I love the roller coaster of life.  I could relate to the dance of the little girls in their tutus. I’ve experienced being frozen on stage, mimicked others because I felt more comfortable being like someone else than I did myself, and I’ve become disinterested in what’s happening around me. At times I’ve kept on dancing even when those around me give up. Sometimes I’ve tried to give up but the encouragement I received from those who love me kept me moving forward.

While parents and grandparents in the audience snickered at the goings-on on stage, the girls just kept twirling and responding off of one another. Even the stationary dancer twitched her self to the music now and then as she watched her friends continue with their ballet.

In a nutshell, we either enjoy the roller coaster or we prefer a carousel. Continuity is good and it sets a rhythm to life, but I believe it’s the roller coaster ride that keeps us guessing about the sharp turns we don’t see coming.

Watching the beauty of the 3 year old dance team’s perception of the audience eyeing their every move reminded me that even if I’m scared, even if I’m disinterested,  sometimes I must keep on dancing and then everything will be alright.

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This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Keep on dancing