Milton man faces charges of molestation on minor

Forrest William Chapman

 Forrest William Chapman, 71, of Milton is facing charges of molestation on a minor following an arrest warrant from the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s office.  Chapman has since been released on a $20,000 bond.

According to the arrest report, the investigation into Chapman began on March 3, when a sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to investigate claims of a minor telling a friend of being sexually abused by Chapman. After deputies located the minor, the victim initially told deputies nothing had happened. In the report, an investigator with the Department of Children and Families also arrived on scene.

When speaking with the authorities, Chapman denied such allegations stated by the victim. Upon an interview with the minor, the DCF investigator did verbally confirm the inappropriate touching by Chapman. The DCF investigator requested a safety plan be placed temporarily restricting access between Chapman and the victim.

On the following day, the investigator, a sheriff’s deputy and a Child Protection Team coordinator interviewed the victim. In the interview the victim was not sure if sexual abuse incident was intentional, but the inappropriate touching could have occurred on accident.

On the same day, Chapman agreed to visit the sheriff’s office in order to answer any questions from DCF and the deputy working the case. In his statement, Chapman also stated the incident could have possibly accidentally occurred. He also denied ever intentionally touching the victim inappropriately, the report said.

During the interview the deputy asked Chapman would be willing to submit to a Computer Voice Stress Analyzer truth verification  examination. In the report, Chapman agreed to do so “without hesitation.”

On March 10, the deputy attempted to contact Chapman with negative results. The deputy said he left a voice mail on his phone requesting Chapman contact them immediately. The following day, Chapman returned the call in which the deputy inquired if he would still be interested in taking the CVSA examination. Chapman told the deputy, he had  obtained legal counsel and would consult on whether to partake in the examination or not.

The following day, the deputy  contacted  Chapman’s legal representation on whether Chapman would undergo the examination. The lawyer told the deputy the inquiry would be passed along to Chapman, however the legal counsel advised Chapman to not take the examination, the report said.

On the following Friday, an investigator with the SRSO interviewed the victim in question at the Santa Rosa Kids House for the purpose of clarifying previously provided information. During the interview, the victim revealed that the inappropriate touching had previously occurred on several occasions.

According to the arrest report an arrest warrant was issued for Chapman with approval from Assistant State Attorney James Parker and signed by a judge.  Chapman was taken into custody on the same day.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Milton man faces charges of molestation on minor