Navarre woman arrested for narcotics theft

Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office reports an employee of Walgreens on Navarre Parkway was arrested Sunday for grand larceny, first degree. Leslie Carole Morehouse, 54, Navarre, was suspected by Walgreens investigators, reports said, for stealing controlled narcotics from the pharmacy area. Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Deputy Rich Aloy said Walgreen’s found  a shortage of hydrocodone pills which led to an investigation lasting 5 months and a discrepancy of just under 3000 pills, valued at $1 each. Aloy said video surveillance showed the suspect, entering the pharmacy prior to the store opening and leaving with pills. Reports said evidence was given to SRSO and a statement was taken from Morehouse. She was arrested and taken to the Santa Rosa County Jail and held with $100,000 bond.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Navarre woman arrested for narcotics theft