Giving thanks for Good Samaritans

Dear Editor,

It’s shouting Hallelujah time again. All glory, honor and praise to God for His good Samaritans the world over. On Good Friday I was hit by a gold Silverado truck weaving in and out of traffic on I-10 in Alabama, witnessed by a nurse on the other side. She said if my car had not stopped in the median, it would have hit her car. Compelled by something she could not explain, she traveled Friday instead of Easter Sunday which she originally planned. He knew that first Samaritan would stop to help me. Fearing my potential injuries, she stopped many trying to turn my car right side up after it rolled over 2 or 3 times, landing me upside down. A Texas Trauma Unit Hospital nurse also stopped. A third Samaritan from Houma held my bleeding forehead 30 minutes until it stopped and the ambulance came. He asked if I remembered him praying for me. I just knew he was a Catholic brother in Christ. Actually, somewhat comfy, I said, “I don’t like these bugs.” He answered, “Don’t worry, I’m killing the bugs and spiders over both of us with my other hand.” I love God’s sense of humor. God bless all the angels and Samaritans surrounding me. Those 3 Samaritans I consider sent to me one from the Father, one from the Son and one from the Holy Spirit.

After seeing my car the first nurse thought I would be dead. Because I never lost consciousness, answered everybody’s questions alertly she felt I would be okay. Joining my ecumenical miracle in progress was the son of a Pentecostal preacher, the ambulance driver. I’m sometimes a vocal, shouting worshipper of God. Then, kind Trooper, probably a brother-in-Christ too, was convinced when he gave me a thumbs up response when I answered “Good Friday” when he asked me what day it was.

The jaws operator wanted to know if I could move my left leg hanging over the driver seat. I swung it down losing my shoe. Two days in ICU Providence God again blessed me. Kind personnel like Lisa Bean went above and beyond to help me. ER personnel found a tiny blue cross on my body. Tears of joy filled my eyes. It was a part of a bracelet a man in my church made for me for no reason, or so I thought. I want to show him how God used his gift to remind us again of His divine protection. My ordeal is not over, but God is still working. Please pray for me. Why God preserved this 84 year old child of His, 17 year cancer survivor, survivor of many previous surgeries with only 13 staples and 2 neck fractures (C1 and C2), I don’t know yet. I do know Satan’s been trying to shut my mouth about Yeshua Hamaschiach (Jesus Christ) what the world needs! What God opens, no man can shut, Hallelujah! Until God’s through with me I’ll go, do and say what He wants.

No coincidence this happened Easter weekend. It was a practice resurrection from potential death or paralysis should I make a wrong move. It was a preview of my ultimate resurrection after my physical death to eternal life in Heaven with my Risen Lord and Savior whom Christians recently celebrated. As long as God gives me breath I’ll continue His will for my life by His grace. We have only one life, ‘twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.

God bless us as only He can. To God be all glory for His good Samaritans, volunteers, and those who emulate Jesus unselfishly serving others the world over. Jesus came to serve not to be served, praise His name, the Name above all names.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Giving thanks for Good Samaritans