Do something in 2015

Let’s all take a big, deep breath. 2014 is now a thing of the past. At this moment, we all have to decide what we are going to do in 2015.  As the New Year begins, we will all be faced with declaring our New Year’s Resolution.  What will you resolve to do in the New Year? Will you use your elliptical for more than just a towel rack? Will you finish the book you were reading or that scrapbooking project? There are no limits to what you can accomplish in 2015 and in years to come.

I work with volunteers as the Santa Rosa County 4-H agent.  I know how much time it takes to volunteer and I understand the importance of my volunteers.  As a very busy wife, mother, professional, graduate student, children's church director and volunteer, I am often asked how I do it all.  The easy answer is to prioritize. The long answer is: I make lists, lots of lists.  I have shopping lists, to do lists, countdown lists and lists of when my bills are due. Lists for birthdays and anniversaries and wish lists.  My most important list is my goal list.  I write down my daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals.  There is a lot for all of us to accomplish each month and during a given year.  If we can see it, we can do it. Whatever you decide to set as a goal for 2015, I encourage you to make a difference.  When you help out a family in need, mow your elderly neighbor’s grass, or help a student in algebra, you will feel so good.  We all have something to offer.  At the Extension Office, I meet people every day with something to offer the youth of our county.  From those who have a passion for rabbits, or those who love to cook and sew. On occasion, men will not offer their expertise, because they think they may not have much to offer.  Believe me, showing the young people of our community how to check the oil in their cars, rotate their tires or even build a bookcase, are great life skills to pass on to our youth. My question to you is:  what do you want to accomplish in 2015?  I urge you to set a goal and work to achieve it.    Some goals take more time than others, but if you don’t start, you will never accomplish anything. Decide where you want to make a difference and start doing something. We can never graduate from high school if we don’t get up and go to kindergarten! Go out there and do something.

For more information about volunteering with Santa Rosa County 4-H, contact Prudence Caskey at 623-3868.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Do something in 2015