Seen on Scene: Graduation at Santa Rosa Adult High (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The 2015 graduating class of Santa Rosa High School and Santa Rosa Adult School celebrated taking the next step with a commencement ceremony on Thursday night at the Milton High School auditorium. While Santa Rosa High School continues to offers students the opportunity to earn a standard high school diploma, the adult school continues to offer adults the opportunity to receive a basic education and earn a GED.

“Santa Rosa Adult School has been around since 1945,” said Donna Christopher, who serves as the principal of both schools. “It was originally organized for the veterans of  World War II.”

Navarre resident Nico Gulla represented the  class as the senior speaker at the commencement event. Gulla said he enjoyed his experience at the adult school.

“I liked it because you can go at your own pace and you could pick up things a lot faster,” he said. “If you could put your mind to it, you could finish a class that would normally take a year (and finish) it in a week or two.” 

Gulla, who was appreciative of the teachers for providing a family-like atmosphere at the school, plans to follow in his father’s footsteps and pursue a career in the United States Air Force. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Seen on Scene: Graduation at Santa Rosa Adult High (PHOTOS, VIDEO)