Gallups’ newest book soars on Amazon list

Pastor Carl Gallups, Hickory Hammock Baptist Church

Earthquakes, wars, ISIS, and Israel returning to the land. What do these things mean? Are they signs actually predicted in the Bible? Pastor and best selling author Carl Gallups says exactly that in his new Amazon number one best seller, “Final Warning, Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation.”

Gallups said, “This book is twenty-five years in the making. After countless hours of research, we are the first and only generation to see these key world markers.”

Markers, he believes, not only match the results given in Biblical prophecy they even match the names.

This is Pastor Gallups’ third book to be published by WND Books, all three have reached number one on Amazons best sellers lists.

“Each time I have been surprised by how the Lord has blessed my writing ministry, it’s surreal,” he said.

 His latest book stayed for days at number sixty-one out of seventeen million books sold on Amazon’s most bought list. He credits the Lord, his wife Pam, his church congregation and his publisher.

 “I literally cannot do this without them.”

Gallups said the next book is due out as soon as this fall. “There are more books on the horizon. Jesus said we are to be the salt and light, if the salt looses its saltiness it is useless. We are to be  ambassadors for the kingdom of God, not run and hide in the woods.”  His plea is for the world to wake up.

 “We could very well be living in the days of our final warning.” 

A resident of SRC for the past 29 years,  Gallups moved to Santa Rosa County after being in law enforcement for 10 years and began ministry at Hickory Hammock Baptist Church.  Gallups said, "I have been teaching and preaching this stuff for over 25 years and I tried to run from the idea of writing, but, it weighed so heavily on my heart I just knew now is the time." 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Gallups’ newest book soars on Amazon list