Thank you to our sheriff

Dear Editor,

It’s National Police week. How blessed we are to have law enforcement personnel unselfishly risking their lives to protect us. God bless and protect them in this wicket and perverse generation.

Thank God, too, for our fallen law enforcement personnel remembered by the recent ceremony in East Milton. I’ve attended that annual ceremony ever since I first heard about it. As far as I know we have a soft spoken, capable sheriff who has done, is doing a good job with excellent support personnel; county and city wide.

Another soft-spoken, dedicated to his profession is Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, much in the news, displaying wisdom in the volatile incidents at Ferguson and Baltimore. Believers are commanded to pray without ceasing. Let’s do it, people.

God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Thank you to our sheriff