We’ll not be weary in well doing

Dear Editor,

Viva La France!

What a beautiful sight to world leaders with locked arms marching in solidarity with France against radical Islamists and on short notice, too. That Czar Obama didn’t attend, fearing for his skin and didn’t surprise me; what pride! That my man, Netanyahu attended blessed me. It reminded me of David and Goliath who went in the name of the Lord. Maybe Obama’s bent toward Islam hinders his calling radical Islam what it is. Do we really have allies? Egypt looks promising. Egypt’s president socked it to a bunch of Imams that something must be done about radical Islamist. What guts. Is that why Obama doesn’t like him or Egypt or is it because the latter got rid of the Muslim Brotherhood? After all America did for Turkey with the Marshall Plan and military missions, I’m irritated because Turkey won’t allow us to land planes to facilitate confronting the bad guys, ISIS et al. I lived in Ankara from 1948 until 1954. Some labeled that new city “a hole in the ground with mountains all around.” What’s with Pakistan? Why does America still give them money while they blatantly harbor and protect Jihadists et al? Ungrateful, they imprison the brave doctor instrumental in America taking out Bin Laden. A couple of retired U.S. military declare if we are in a war we need to win it. They were right on declaring to win it. The bad guys must be killed. How much more since now they’re threatening our military with, “we’re coming for you; watch your backs.” Of course, I would give them a chance to respond to the Gospel first. Radical Islamists, causing chaos the world over in domination efforts, await their Mahdi. Believers in Jesus Christ await His second coming. The Jewish await their Messiah. He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords in full control. The Bible, greatest book ever written and never to be superseded, has at least 365 ‘fear nots,’ one for every day. That should comfort “men’s hearts failing them for fear.” At least 14 signs are in place for His second coming. We’ll not be weary in well doing. In due season, we’ll reap. We’re living in exciting times. God bless us all as only He can. Maranatha!

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: We’ll not be weary in well doing