Where were all the bleeding hearts?

Dear Editor,

Where were all of the bleeding hearts when 33 year old Melinda McCormick was terribly beaten with three weapons and her home set on fire? Where was all the rage? She was not dead and burned alive. Gregory Williams, Keisha Pugh and Anthony Pressley were convicted of first degree murder and robbery. They used a hammer, crow bar and a lead pipe to beat her April 9, 2013.

The story was reported by Christina Leavenworth, WEAR TV 3, Pensacola. State Attorney Bill Eddins said one of the suspects said he did it because he hated white people. What more needs to be said? The national news media in the US cannot report unbiased news and are a danger to the American way of life.

Joel Miller


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Where were all the bleeding hearts?