Speak Out July 26

Wednesday 4:07 p.m.

My comment is in reference to the Santa Rosa Deputy Sheriffs parking, like one in the church driveway on Berryhill Rd for hours at a time just sitting there. I think we’re paying them to patrol the county instead of sitting in one spot for hours. I’m just wondering why they don’t patrol instead of just sitting there. If they’re being directed to save gas, I think we’re not getting our money’s worth. My other comment is that very seldom do you see deputies use their turn signals. I know it’s a requirement to signal your turns but very few of them do.

Wednesday 4:17 p.m.

My comment is about the courthouse. I’m just a little confused. It appears, reading everything in the papers, the city of Milton is in charge of where the courthouse is going to be. I think some of the sites are outside of Milton. How are they apparently in charge of deciding where it’s going to go? Downtown Milton looks like a warzone. It’s so depressed down there, the old buildings. There’s hardly anything in Milton to do there anyway. I just don’t see the big hullabaloo about putting the courthouse in an area that looks like it needs to be plowed over.

Wednesday 5:10 p.m.

I know you’re not going to print this in Speak Out because you decided not to print mine last week about the political signs being picked up and thrown away. Even though you didn’t print my messages, a good newspaper or reporter would have investigated what I said and printed it as it was news and your job is to print the news as it happens and not only report what you feel will or will not offend the public. The story I gave you was not political but theft and mischievous acts but you chose not to print it and I question if it had been the other candidate’s sings being picked up and thrown in the dump, would it have been printed then.

Wednesday 8:28 p.m.

Hey, this is Dennis. I am a Republican. I stand with most of their core values, but many of the Senate, Congress, and Republican presidents are trigger happy, so eager to kill and go to war. I say take step back. We are not the world’s police force at the taxpayers’ expense. Focus in on protecting our country and enforcing our constitution and bill of rights. Stand up for the rule of law in our country.

Wednesday 10:43 p.m.

This is Raymond and thank you for letting me speak whatever’s on mind. I’m wondering will you’ll print it. Bobby has all these good ideas, but he hasn’t run for office yet. Let him run for office with all those good ideas and we’ll see where we get from there.

Thursday 8:04 a.m.

I’m calling from East Milton. Quite a few of us are wondering why in the world, when they put the barriers up for the temporary bridge and road, why they put the west-bound lane so narrow. Heavens forbid if you need an 18-wheeler going across there or one of those log trucks. The west bound lane is so narrow, and they’ve got plenty of road that they could have widened it. I would be very interested to know because that is dangerous being so narrow like that.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out July 26