Weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq

Dear Editor,

     With the invasion of Iraq by rebels or terrorists, depending on which country they are in, the news media reported on a Iraq ammo depot. The focus of the news report was the depot might fall into the invading forces control. The report showed pictures of degraded chemical weapons, according to our state department, were degraded beyond practical use and may be more dangerous to the invading forces if they tried to salvage them.

     Wait just a second. I thought there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. That's what the Democrat liberal left have been yelling for years and using to blame our past President and Vice President for invading Iraq, when in fact they were protecting America after 9/11's loss of life. I agree with Ann Coulter, you can't trust a liberal above the age of 3.

Steven M. King


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq