Speak Out September 24

Wednesday 7:29 p.m.

This is Bobby. For Wednesday’s Speak Out column, here are a couple things. One person in there said we shouldn’t be criticizing the president. I don’t know why he’s exempt. No other president has been exempt. Every time he opens his mouth he’s bad mouthing and criticizing republicans, and President Bush, the republican congress and all this. The other thing, to the person that said you should be able to go anywhere in the world you want to and all this. He always puts race in there. Nobody’s trying to keep white people out of places. They can go anywhere they want to. It doesn’t look like it. They got them locked up all over the world, in Mexico and everywhere else, on trumped up charges. If you had where everybody could travel anywhere they want to, I wonder how he’d like it if a bunch of terrorists moved into next to him decide to chop his head off. If you didn’t have any border security anybody that wants to can come in and do anything they want to.

Thursday 12:11 p.m.

Raymond, you seem to have deep seated resentment and hated for white people. The Bible teaches that as we seek God’s forgiveness for our sins we must also forgive those that have sinned against us. My advice is that you forgive all white people and move on with your life. The key word here is forgiveness.

Thursday 12:29 p.m.

This is Grace. Do you not think our leader was overly excited about 3,000 boots on the ground to extinguish the Ebola virus? Did he not choose a very strange military facility to make his speech when the first photo shown there was three persons literally forcing a small person into an unidentified wagon never shown again? Does anyone think that possibly this might not be a way to body bag a whole country of Christians whoever they are?

Thursday 1:44 p.m.

Yes, this is Dennis. I was calling because I have two questions. I want to know where they’re tearing down the old bridge on Highway 90. They were putting debris in the water when they were tearing down the bridge with the hammer. I was wondering. Isn’t that polluting the water that goes in and out of that basin there, because they’re allowing debris, the bricks and rocks to fall in the water? My next question is I wasn’t aware that Milton had a marina downtown at the boardwalk? I noticed there has been a boat and a barge with free advertising for the last week or so if there’s a marina down there I would like the information for who I can contact because I would definitely get my boat out where I don’t have to pay and dock it down there and put my advertising for my gentlemen’s club I have down in Pensacola. So that’s why I want to speak out because I didn’t know there was a marina downtown. Good bye. This is Dennis.

Friday 12:08 p.m.

Hi this is Helen. I want to thank Dennis for supporting me on the litter problem in Santa Rosa County. I was beginning to think I was the only one who noticed this. I see that most of the litter in my area is food wrappers, Styrofoam food trays, plastic bags, beer and soda bottles, and cans. Whatever happened to carrying litter bags in our cars and putting the contents in our garbage cans at home? I have never been any place that has a litter mess like here. Perhaps the folks that do this have no pride in their community and that is sad.  I’d also like to express my sympathy to Bobby for the damage done to his home during hurricane Ivan. My daughter and son-in-law had a lot of damage, too, as did a lot of people. I am happy for him that they finally built a big, new bridge so that he would have an easier drive to work. I’m sure it was built with taxpayers’ money. Thank goodness for those taxpayers. I’d also like to state my opinion on the union for school bus drivers. Most of the drivers are part time employees. They have a morning run to pick up students at their homes and an afternoon run to take them back home, which is about 4 hours a day. None of them are getting rich on the taxpayer’s dime. I am all for them having a union and I hope they get it. I worked for a school system in New York that was unionized. The union leaders negotiated with the administration for three-year contracts for all support staff. The people who worked for the school were members of the community. The school did not outsource any jobs to bus, food service, maintenance or cleaning companies. All employees worked for the school. The union contracted for benefits like health insurance, vacation days, sick days, etc. It worked out well for the district and the employees. We did not work for the union. We worked for the school. The union worked to get the benefits we deserve.

Saturday 9:01 a.m.

Yes, this is Bob. A while back our school superintendant, Tim Wyrosdick announced that there would no longer be corporal punishment in Santa Rosa County schools because of having trouble with parents. He stated that he had to protect his teacher’s jobs. It seems like teachers’ paychecks are more important than our children. It’s a sign of the times. God hasn’t changed. He still says spare the road and spoil the child. It’s not talking about abusing the child. It’s talking about lovingly disciplining the child. We’ve come a long way. I have to protect my teacher’s paychecks. Thank you. Bye.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Speak Out September 24