Now America must contend with Ebola

Dear Editor,

Bringing Ebola virus patients from Africa to the USA is not a good idea. We need to lock the doors on anyone who has Ebola virus, no exceptions. Do not endanger our country because of your bad choice. When two people working in this unit contact Ebola virus at the same time something is not right. I believe someone could be lying about what happened. I would not put it past some of these missionaries to infect themselves to garner sympathy for the Ebola virus victims, and get the USA to send billions of dollars to fight the disease. This is a way of getting an open door policy of bringing all these Ebola virus patients from other countries into this country so as to make themselves feel good. We (USA) are broke. Tell China to pay for it since that’s where we get our money. Tell them they can have the Ebola patients. The liberal extremists were put in charge of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and caused it to explode and is responsible for killing hundreds of people. Safeguards were removed and that destroyed any chance of controlling the disease. I think someone is lying about the safety of transporting Ebola virus patients and how they can move from the safety containment unit on the plane to a containment suite. According to news programs there should be a second and third area for washing off and a changing room. Now we see the doctor is walking off the transport, not on the special containment gurney. He climbs down the steps of the medical transport unit and walks into the hospital. America is being experimented on. Build something in a place in Africa where you do not have a large population and work on them there. The hospitals today cannot protect us from certain infections of which hundreds die from each year but can protect us now from Ebola? And why aren’t they burning the bodies? It is just an opportunity for terrorists to get a hold of a bio weapon. We did not have Ebola in the United States and now we do.

Joel Miller


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Now America must contend with Ebola