Dems are a bunch of Grubers

By Ron Hart

Boca Grande, Florida

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter.” Jonathan Gruber on passing ObamaCare

The Obama legacy is not quite written. What we have so far is an arrogant administration contemptuous of the Constitution, transparency in government, and the American voter. Its members disdain our two-and-a-half century American Experience and seek to “transform” our great country.

Recently surfaced lectures and videos of one of the architects of ObamaCare, MIT professor Jonathan Gruber, exemplify this administration's hubris. Caught in rare moments of honesty, he describes Obama’s game plan of deception and premeditated lying to the American people in order to pass the Affordable Care Act. In short, Gruber brags to fellow academic libs how they snookered the poor, dumb American voter to push through ObamaCare. He admits that “bending the cost curve downward” was just talk.

If you fully load the costs of bribing US Senators (remember the Louisiana Purchase and Nebraska’s "Cornhusker Kickback"?), along with administrative, advertising, and compliance costs, ObamaCare is a big-government disaster.

The Democrats and Obama need to be careful they aren't arrested for leaving the scene of a crime when they depart D.C.

When the Gruber tapes surfaced, Nancy Pelosi lied and said she didn’t know who he was. Then videos were found of her praising him as the co-creator of ObamaCare. Imagine the surprise on her face. We have to use our imaginations because her frozen face makes it impossible to tell for sure. She perpetually looks like your three-year-old just put his sippy cup on her good furniture without a coaster.

Obama said this week that he didn’t know Gruber. As he does with most scandals, he told us he just learned about it and then denounced Gruber as just “some advisor.” Tapes then surfaced of Obama praising Gruber and hosting him at 19 White House meetings. It fits the Dems' MO: betray us and we will attack you — as will our lapdog media. 

Somehow Obama still portrays ObamaCare "soldiers" as heroes. Yes, political bureaucrats who lie to people ("Grubering" them), forcing them into expensive and complex insurance policies with high deductibles — those are the real American heroes, so valuable to society. This has become so common that when a passenger passes out in an airplane, flight attendants ask, “Is there an ObamaCare bureaucrat on the plane?”.

They are proud that they displaced more than 5 million people who had insurance, forcing them to pay more to buy ObamaCare. The rest they subsidized and pushed onto existing Medicaid rolls. They then say they met their signup goal. It’s remarkable what you can say if you use taxpayer money to bribe senators in your own party for their vote, are the only one keeping the books, make it mandatory on IRS forms, fine those who do not comply, spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer money on advertising, and keep extending the deadlines.

Remember, Democrats said ObamaCare would not add to the deficit, insure 30 million uninsured and reduce your costs by $2,500. All lies. In fact, your cost has gone up by $2,500. Washington paid Gruber millions to push ObamaCare but act like he was an independent analyst. He said the above and was echoed by Harry Reid as an unbiased MIT analyst, giving us even more reason to distrust academia.

ObamaCare was passed with knowingly mendacious salesmanship by Obama. If his administration were a business whose deceptive sales practices cost so many people so much money, the Feds would prosecute.

Approval of ObamaCare stands at a low of 37%. Those on the left feel it did not go far enough, even though it covers sex change operations. They are mad that it only offers two sex change choices. The rich get three: male, female, and the Bruce Jenner option.

It will be a nice Christmas gift for all of us this year when we unwrap the gift that is ObamaCare and find Democrat voters’ medical bills.

And if you think getting ObamaCare passed was difficult, just imagine how hard it will be to get us out of it. It is a good thing the politicians will handle it, because you, the stupid voter, just do not get how smart they are and how much better they know what you need than you do.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Dems are a bunch of Grubers