To be or not to be…that is the question

I recently came in contact with two different people and after much introspection  and  listening to both sides, I wasn't sure who–or if either–were telling the truth.

To be honest, I wondered if the truth was somewhere in the middle, or within the midst. 

Watching the television recently, I came across a show which actually stated it was okay to tell a lie sometimes, and occasionally it is even best to bend the truth to save someone else's feelings.

Honesty today is a character trait which can sometimes be considered ambiguous at best.

As humans, we're all hypocritical at times and I am no different, but like our mothers always say, honesty is the best policy. 

My daddy says a man's word is his bond and he also told my brother to have a firm handshake. 

Be that as it may, it works. 

Let's put this in perspective.

When asked a direct question, do you always answer honestly or do you answer accordingly to what you think you're expected to say?

If the question is about fact or philosophy, do you cater to what you consider the 'politically correct' answer or do you always speak your mind and heart?

Do you seek truth or validation for your own preconceived notions?

Truth corresponds with reality, by definition, and if we were to take it to the next line of reason, we get what is real is  true and what's true is real.  Even a child knows what's true and what's not, therefore, he knows when he's lying.  Ask any two year old child who is caught in a cookie jar after being told to stay away, (with visible crumbs around their mouth), did they eat a cookie and see if you get the truth.

Probably not.

Most children know the difference but choose to answer with what is the easiest course to keep from being disciplined.

Consider the theme of Shakespeare's Hamlet  which speaks to man's  need to face the ugly truth even when it's unpleasant, and especially when it's within our own self.  We humans don't like to see our own dishonesty or lack of integrity.  Yet, we must deal with it or the truth becomes our perception of reality instead of steadfast.

So, it's best to admit when  our hand is in the cookie jar. Even if it's difficult, it's the right choice. 

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: To be or not to be…that is the question