Support for Israel in Seville Square

Dear Editor,

If my Jewish doctor hadn’t called me the day before the pro-Israel rally in Seville Square, I would have missed the most exhilarating event in some time. Kudos to Mike Bates for organizing. I found out later he was instrumental and talking it up for six weeks. The event was extremely well attended by pro-Israel Christians, including little ones holding signs and it was thrilling to say the least. All the speakers from Israel and statewide were a blessing, especially Mike Hill, our legislator. The closing by Joey Rogers, Pace Assembly, with his Holy Ghost prayer quoting Old and New Testament was indeed a Hallelujah shouting catalyst. The group’s behavior while protestors marched through the crowd with the PLO flag was exemplary. Bottom line is many believe Israel has the right to defend herself, to destroy the great number of terrorist tunnels, and is to be commended for providing humanitarian aid for Palestinians. They warned Gaza of forthcoming strikes in an attempt to prevent civilians harm. Hamas conversely is cruel to Gazans by hiding behind civilians using hospitals, schools and private houses from which to execute their barbarian assaults. Shame on them. As for Kerry attempting to negotiate peace with terrorists, he needs the revelation, such is an impossibility.  By their own admission, Hamas et al want to kill Jews, Christians, and wipe Israel off the map and will raise an Islamic flag over the White House. Hamas forget it. God, whom Jews and Christians worship, will protect Israel forever. Sitting in the hot sun for two hours wasn’t fun but worth witnessing tremendous support for Israel. God bless us all as only He can, Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Support for Israel in Seville Square