Step out into something new

Feeling temperatures fall and heading out to various festivals this month, it reminds me as to how important celebrations and farm tours are to our county. How often will families and friends head out to enjoy outdoor rural festivities together, if not for events like Monarch Madness, Jay Peanut Festival, Holland Farms, Munson Heritage and Arcadia Mill Lecture Series? Sure there are other activities like football games and picnics on the beach, but I am grateful for the opportunity to visit, see friends and catch up, experience wind in my hair and eat foods which would never cross my lips, otherwise. The Beaches to Woodlands Tour opens doors to places not on the beaten path as Clear Creek Farm. Clear Creek is a working farm opening its doors throughout the month for demonstrations involving self-sufficiency, such as solar power and hydroponic gardens. There is always room to grow and learn about different aspects in the world, areas of interest not explored but still significant enough to venture to a new destination. History lovers can learn more about how county forefathers worked in grist mills, planted cotton and peanuts, and taught their children how to survive. Butterfly lovers learn about migration and beauty, and art lovers can see potters at work and learn how they make their earthly product. However, the beauty of the tour is the opportunity to find something new, exciting and inspiring.

For someone like me, I go to be in the presence of fresh hay, cotton fields and friends. I love to see children playing in a pumpkin patch and having their faces painted. At Ghost Walk I enjoy hearing stories of happenings on Caroline and Willing Streets from long ago days, and seeing volunteers in costume standing in front of historical homes sharing a wealth of knowledge. There is so much to offer, so much to do for everyone. If you, dear reader, only spend one weekend afternoon in discovery this month, step out into something new.

This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Step out into something new