This Thanksgiving, let’s not forget to thank God

Dear Editor,

It’s Thanksgiving time again. We who experienced the unconditional grace and mercy of Jesus Christ join Billy Graham, 96 years old, in giving thanks to our Lord. This year as we observe our season of Thanksgiving, let us be grateful, not only in word but also in deed. Let our gratitude find expression in a resolve to live a life more unselfish and more consecrated to Jesus Christ. As we go to our churches to thank God for material and spiritual blessings, let us remember that millions have never heard the Gospel of salvation. Let us remember the servants of God in many parts of the world who deprive themselves in order to take the Gospel to the multitudes who have not yet been reached with the message of Christ. The Bible teaches that God delights in giving and He gives even to His enemies. Men and women spread nets and snares for their enemies but God spreads a table. The dew forms on the thistle as well as the rose. The rain of God’s mercy falls upon the worst of people. God puts bread in the mouths that are opened against Him. God feeds millions and they fight against Him. He gives them bread, and they give Him rebellion. The real war in which men and women are engaged is a war of rebellion against God. This rebellion has brought about destruction, suffering, misery, frustration and a thousand and one ills to the population of the world. God longs to see this rebellion cease. He has sent His Son, Jesus Christ to the cross as a demonstration of His love and mercy. He asks us to come to that cross in repentance of our sins and submission of our will to Him. He promises a peace treaty for all who will come by faith. Thanksgiving? Yes, let’s get on our knees humbly and thank God for the blessings He has given us. They have come from His hand. Let us not neglect to thank Him. God Bless us all as only He can. Maranatha.

Chrys Holley


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: This Thanksgiving, let’s not forget to thank God