Big brother and a high end welfare system

Dear Editor,

The liberal left of Hollywood recently had their accounts hacked allowing their not meant for the public photographs to be stolen from Apple's iCloud system. Their statement is that these photographs might cost them millions later in earnings. The FBI is correctly investigating the hacked accounts. My questions are 1). With the United States government in charge of the internet and agencies like the NSA, HSA, CIA, FBI and any military dept. going all over the internet, why is this hacking still happening unabated whether it be photographs or customer accounts at Home Depot or Target. 2). these same agencies, big brother, spend their time spying on U.S. citizens but not stopping these hackers, Why? Is this not a attack on the most basic aspect of our civilized society being the free enterprise system and the citizen's charge cards and banking accounts.

     Years ago I clipped an article out of the paper having to due with the "Do Not Call List". It has the number to call (1-888-382-1222) the government agency in charge of the list which is the Federal Trade Commission. I have called that agency no less than 20 times giving them the caller ID. number on unsolicited sales calls and “robo” calls, they have failed to do anything. I have learned that if you waste the companies' time doing the calls they will quit calling. One call was a "lower your rates on your credit cards" if you have an outstanding balance. I told the person (man) to hold on while I got my card; I sat the phone down and ignored it for 1/2 an hour. When I picked it back up there didn't seem to be anyone on the other end so I hung it up. Within a minute it rang with the same person on the other end. He stated "I held for almost a 1/2 hour." I stated "you should of got the hint that I didn't want to speak with you." He said "If that's the way you are going to be I'll call you every day" I said "Don't threaten me with something you are already doing", he hasn't called back.

     My point is I know congress is deadlocked between a liberal and conservative point of view on the running of government and our president likes to use the term "a do nothing Congress" to bash the House of Representatives for not appeasing the president and his agenda. The real "do nothing for a paycheck" is unelected government with all the agencies assigned with a task or tasks that make no attempt at doing their jobs, or the attempt is to collect bonuses or push political views, has nothing to do with efficiency or results. We all know these agencies, they get their paychecks from us–it's called big government. It's become a high end welfare system.

                                               Steven M. King


This article originally appeared on Santa Rosa Press Gazette: Big brother and a high end welfare system